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Allows you to get any of the information on a server.


Welcome messageserver is assigned to the server that the user joined.
Farewell messageserver is assigned to the server that the user left.
Custom commandserver is assigned to the server where the command was triggered. (not available)


**<> - Members** 
We have **<server.memberCount>** members!


nameGet the server’s nameCRBT Community
idGet the server’s Discord ID782584672298729473
iconGet a link to the server’s icon, or null if none is setDiscord icon URL
bannerGet a link to the server’s banner, or null if none is setnull
ownerGet the server’s owner ID327690719085068289
createdGet the server’s creation date2020-11-29T13:32:00Z
rolesGet a list of the server’s role namesCRBT, Clembs, Developers, Testers…
descriptionGet the server’s description (only available for Communities)Welcome to the Discord community for the CRBT bot!
membersGet the total amount of members in the server.30