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· 3 min read


  • @CRBT
  • //iteminfo
  • Season 3 of the CRBT Store banners, which brings 7 new designs (limited until the release of Season 4).
  • 11 new badges, including more Jobs and the new Emotions category.
  • //snipe, to get the contents of the last deleted message.
  • //removebanner to remove your current profile banner.
  • //setpronouns, to change your display pronouns on your CRBT profile and on certain commands.
  • //youtube-together, to start a YouTube Together activity in the current voice channel.
  • //pick, to pick one option from a given array at random.
  • //github to get info on a GitHub user or repository.
  • More easter eggs!


  • Split //job into 4 commands: //jobsearch, //jobinfo, //jobapply and //jobquit.
  • //play & //join now limits other music playback commands to the channels they were executed in.
  • Brand new icons and colors to reflect the new branding.
  • Renamed the "Basic" module to "Misc".
  • //crbtinfo is now in the "Misc" module.


  • //emojiinfo now works with emoji names, without the need to have an active Discord Nitro subscription.
  • Most CRBT commands will now work inside of Direct Messages.
  • Bug reports and suggestions look better, and can now have replies from developers, which are also mirrored to the user's Direct Messages.
  • Added 4 more colors to //color, as well as some bonus unlisted ones.
  • The currently playing sheet displays more info and now has a "mute" button.
  • The CRBT Store and //help now works with reaction buttons as well as the standard text.
  • Reminders can now be set up to 2 years (instead of 21 days maximum).
  • The Badges section of the CRBT Store is now split into categories.
  • Updated //translate's API to ensure the command works most of the time properly.
  • //convert now has more ways of being used (see //help convert).
  • //help <command name> now gives more info on Partner commands, permission errors and info on the module the command is from.
  • //8ball now indicates if the answer is positive, negative, or neutral.
  • //addemoji now works with custom emojis, allowing you to add any emoji (given that you are a Discord Nitro subscriber) onto your Discord server.
  • Added //calc as a normal command alias of =, for math calculations.
  • If you don't have enough money to buy an item, it'll now tell you how much the item costs.
  • Removed receipts by Direct Messages for buying items.
  • You can now check your hourly & work cooldowns in //jobinfo (and check other people's too).
  • Renamed "Data collection" to "Telemetry", changed "On/Off" to "Minimal/Complete" and made the "Complete" mode less intrusive than the previous "On" setting. Check the Privacy policy for more info.
  • //prefix will now ask you for a confirmation on a prefix change.


  • Message logs should work fine now
  • Music commands are back too
  • Added a lot of missing error messages when a command wasn't executed properly
  • //anime and //manga should now work

Temporarily unavailable/planned for later minor updates

  • Languages
  • Channel allowlist for CRBT commands
  • Custom Commands
  • Achievements
  • Some of the new partner perks
  • //leaderboard: too many difficulties making the command
  • One partner command: Not enough time to finish it


  • //vote
  • //switch
  • //credits
  • //xp
  • //resetprofile
  • //magik
  • //joke
  • //embed
  • //replies
  • //var
  • //aoijs
  • Being able to ping the bot as a prefix (was causing too much problems)