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Allows you to get any of a user’s Discord account information.


Welcome messageuser is assigned to the user who joined the server.
Farewell messageuser is assigned to the user who left the server.
Custom commanduser is assigned to the user who triggered the command. (not available)


<user.mention> left the server... They were a member since <user.joined>.


nameGet the usernameClembs
discrimGet the four-digit discriminator3548
tagGet the Discord tagClembs#3548
idGet the Discord user ID327690719085068289
avatarGet a link to the user’s avatarDiscord avatar URL
bannerGet a link to the user’s banner, or “null” if the user doesn’t have anyDiscord banner URL
nicknameGet the user’s server nickname, or its username if none was setClembs
createdGet the date when the user created their account2017-06-23T08:05:00Z
joinedGet the date when the user joined the current server2021-05-06T09:10:00Z
mentionMention the user using their IDClembs
isBotReturns true if the user is a bot, and false otherwisefalse
rolesGet the names of the user’s rolesDeveloper, Designer, Streamer