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Item Resource

Items are virtual goods provided in a guild's store page. Each item belongs to a category, which can hold up to 30 items. A guild can hold up to 100 items total.

Get Item


Returns a Item object for the given ID.

Create Item


Create a category item. Returns the created Item object on success.

JSON params

namestringThe display name of the item.
emojistringThe emoji of the item.
priceintegerThe price of the item, as a positive integer.
valuestring?The item's value, whose type change depending on the item type.
typeintegerThe item's type.
description?string?A 1-1024 character description of the item.
stock?integer?The item's max stock, null if unlimited (max 200000).
available_until?ISO8601 timestamp?When the item should expire from the store, null if not limited.

Modify Item


Modify a store category. Returns the updated Category object on success.


All parameters to this endpoint are optional.

JSON params

name?stringThe display name of the item.
emoji?stringThe emoji of the item.
price?integerThe price of the item, as a positive integer.
value? *string?The item's value.
description?string?A 1-1024 character description of the item.
stock?integer?The item's max stock, null if unlimited (max 200000).
available_until?ISO8601 timestamp?When the item should expire from the store, null if not limited.

* The value must match the original item's type.

Delete Item


Delete a category item. Returns a 204 No Content response on success.

Item Object

Item Structure

idsnowflakeThe ID of the item.
namestringThe display name of the item.
emojistringThe emoji of the item.
descriptionstring?A 1-1024 character description of the item.
priceintegerThe price of the item, as a positive integer.
stockinteger?The item's max stock, null if unlimited (max 200000).
available_untilISO8601 timestamp?When the item should expire from the store, null if not limited.
valuestring?The item's value, whose type change depending on the item type.
typeintegerThe item's type.
guild_idstringThe ID of the guild which this item belongs to.
category_idstringThe ID of the category which this item belongs to.

Item Type

NameIntegerDescriptionRequired Value Type
Other0A value-less item.null
Role1Using this item shall grant the user with a Discord guild role.snowflake
IncomeMultiplier2When in use, multiplies the user's income in income commands. Does not affect Modify User Money queries on the server-side.Any value matching the /x[0-9]{1,2}(\.[0-9]{1,2})?/ regex (e.g. x2, x0.75)
Cosmetic3Reveals a image, useful for collection-based economy items.An image URL
Weapon4Very dangerous, do not use.undefined

Example Item

"id": "1086693705814904834",
"guild_id": "782584672298729473",
"name": "Boost",
"emoji": "🚀",
"description": "Max out your Purplets with 2 times more income!",
"price": 1000,
"category_id": "1086633399390572544",
"type": 2,
"stock": 10,
"available_until": "2023-03-20T00:00:00.000Z",
"value": "x2"